Talking about Flu

Dr Mercola

If you’re currently battling about of flu, a couple of questions come to mind: How long does this usually last and what can you do to recover fast? This article will answer these questions, plus provide other helpful facts and tips to get you through flu season.

What Are the Symptoms of the Flu?

Flu symptoms usually appear one to four days after your exposure to the influenza virus. You’ll first start running a fever, which may sometimes be accompanied by chills. The symptoms typically get worse a few days or hours in. If you’re starting to feel sick and you’re quite sure that you’ve come across a person with the flu, here are some of the symptoms that you should be on the lookout for:

Dry, chesty cough

Aching muscles and joint pain

Vomiting and diarrhea

Runny or blocked nose

Fatigue and weakness

In rare cases, the flu may make you more susceptible to a number of complications, including viral or bacterial pneumonia, dehydration and sinus infections. People who are at risk of suffering from these complications are usually children, adults over 65 years of age, people with compromised immune systems and pregnant women.

If you experience shortness of breath, severe headache, bloody phlegm, or you start coughing up yellow, green or brown sputum, seek the advice of a health professional. This will ensure that you’re not suffering from another condition or a complication brought on by your weakened state. Early treatment of these complications will help reduce the risk for any serious repercussions.

What Causes the Flu?

The flu is caused by an influenza virus infection. There are three types of influenza virus, namely types A, B and C. Types A and B are mostly responsible for influenza outbreaks, with Type C responsible for milder cases of colds. Type A influenza viruses usually develop different strains, with the H1N1 being one of the latest strains. This type of virus is mostly responsible for pandemics.

The influenza virus is transmitted when air droplets from a sick person are inhaled by an uninfected person. These air droplets are usually expelled when the infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus may be spread through direct physical contact, such as kissing, or by sharing personal items like handkerchiefs.

How Long Does the Flu Normally Last?

After you are exposed to the virus, you may start feeling sick between one to four days later, with the influenza symptoms persisting for a few days before you start feeling better. The peak of an influenza infection usually comes with severe symptoms that can persist for two to three days, but they typically subside after that period. Milder symptoms, such as fatigue and colds, may persist for seven days or more. In some cases, flu symptoms may last for one to two weeks after the onset.

Influenza fever in both adults and children generally lasts around three to four days. If you or your child’s fever doesn’t go down after the fourth day or it reaches a temperature above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, consult a doctor immediately.

How Can You Treat Influenza?

The most common flu treatments that people are familiar with are antiviral medications, such as Tamiflu. However, flu medications may expose you to a variety of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. If you’re currently suffering from the flu or you’re tasked with caring for a sick loved one, there are numerous ways that you can expedite recovery. Here are a few tips you can follow to start the healing process:

Get lots of rest. The most important thing that you can do is rest. Your body is fighting off a viral infection, which explains your weakened state. Avoid exerting too much effort on physical activity as it may aggravate fatigue and body pain. While exercising might seem like a good idea to “sweat out” the flu, it may prolong the symptoms and even promote dehydration.

Drink plenty of liquids. Keeping yourself hydrated will help speed up recovery. Increasing your fluid intake will replenish the fluids lost through perspiration, urine and decreased food intake.

Get a steam bath. When you have flu, there’s a high chance that you’re also suffering from a stuffy nose. Entering a steam room may help loosen up the mucus blocking your nose. This will help you breathe easier and relieve headaches caused by your blocked up nasal canals. Steam baths can help relieve some of the body ache that you’re suffering from.

Consider using saltwater. Dealing with a clogged nose makes everything harder when you have the flu. If you’re having difficulty breathing because of a stuffy nose, consider saltwater rinsing to break up the mucus buildup. You can also gargle saltwater to soothe sore throat.

Support your immune system. You can hasten recovery by boosting your immune system with natural remedies. Some examples are colloidal silver, oregano oil and garlic.

Optimize vitamin D levels. Getting vitamin D from the sun may help lower your risk of influenza as it strengthens your immune system and fights against respiratory infections.

Avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar canes negatively affect your immune function. Ridding your diet of all the unnecessary sugars and switching to healthier food choices will give your body a better source of energy and improve your immunity.

Exercise: Regular exercise helps improve circulation and blood flow throughout the body, improving your immunity by speeding up immune cell spread.

Wash your hands. One of the most common medium of transmission for the influenza virus is through physical contact. Washing your hands regularly will let you avoid spreading or acquiring the virus through touch.
